Indicator Lights

Indicator Lights for Rolling Stock

Indicator lights can be used to show that certain features affecting the safety of passengers are all in order. They can be used to guide and instruct rail users to ensure a safe passenger experience. For instance, indicator lights can inform passengers about the opening and closing of train doors.

Teknoware indicator lights for rolling stock are available in many colours to meet different customer needs. We work with train manufacturers to incorporate intelligent lighting solutions that improve the passenger experience, for example by using colour coding to indicate capacity and avoid overcrowding.

Featured products

Teknoware Ladybug

Teknoware indicator lights like Teknoware Ladybug are available in red, green, and blue colours.

Teknoware Extreme

Teknoware Extreme is a robust and durable light designed for extreme conditions, which can be used as an indicator light, step light or even under the train.

Download the Teknoware Extreme Brochure

Key Features


The service life of our lights ensures continued functionality.


Our products are designed to meet all necessary regulatory requirements.

Choice of Colours 

LED colours can be selected according to your needs.

Range of Supply Voltages

Lights are manufactured to meet customer requirements.

Teknoware Solutions for Rolling Stock

Interior Structures

Interior Structures

Interior Lighting

Interior Lighting

Exterior Lighting

Exterior Lighting

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