Engineering Capabilities

Engineering Capabilities

We are more than capable of producing tailor-made lighting solutions according to specific customer needs. Whether a customer has a particular need for a certain type of lighting, colour temperature, lighting colour, lighting control system, or a completely new lighting idea or refurbishment project, our extensive experience and expertise means we can handle them all.

For customers looking for a fast delivery, we also have a wide range of standard products in different shapes and sizes for direct or indirect main lighting, spotlights and emergency lighting, as well as solutions for special purposes, including a smart wireless bell push system, among other things.

Our standard range of vehicle lighting solutions may just be the starting point, however, because most lighting systems are designed specifically to meet the needs of a particular customer. We have a large variety of LED spot lights, LED light lines, step lights, emergency lights, reading lights, service sets, indirect and direct lighting systems, together with thousands of LED cards and other electronics which we can combine to fulfill our customers’ needs.

Some of our Engineering Capabilities

Customized lighting solutions

Teknoware specialises in developing customised lighting and interior solutions for customers all over the world. We work closely with our customers’ designers from the outset of a project, to ensure that the very best solutions are integrated into the vehicles’ structures. We take account of the customer’s needs and local requirements in the solution design.

Lighting simulations

We have the capacity and know-how to generate complete lighting simulations during the design phase of a project to ensure that all the lighting requirements will be met without having to actually build anything physical. This approach saves time and money at later stages of the project by avoiding last-minute changes after the first vehicle has already been built. We are then able to verify the simulation results in the first vehicle built by completing validation measurements based on the original requirements.


New design ideas can be tested during the design phase by utilizing our 3D printing capabilities. Also as most of the production process is in our own hands, we can quickly build prototypes, even of larger light units and interior solutions. Building prototypes aims at reducing the number of costly changes required too late on in the process.


When the first vehicle comes off the production line, Teknoware is able to help customers with the validation process by completing measurements (lighting levels, gloss levels, glare, functionality, emergency lighting, etc.) in conjunction with the customer.

Project management

At Teknoware, we also realise that efficient project management is one of the non-negotiables from a customer’s point of view. The Teknoware Gateway, our project management model based on international project management standards, ensures that planning and implementation is carried out in the same consistent manner for each project, one milestone at a time. This means you consistently receive the same great service, regardless of where you are in the project and who your direct point of contact is—from the design phase through to implementation and execution.

Key Features


The service life of our products ensures continued functionality well into the future.


Lighting solutions include a range of colour temperature and dimming options.


Lightweight fittings and panels reduce fuel costs and improve sustainability.


Our products and solutions are designed to be aesthetically pleasing and technically sound.

Lighting and Interiors for Road Vehicles

Vehicle Products

Vehicle Products

Vehicle Solutions

Vehicle Solutions

Vehicle Markets

Vehicle Markets

Other Relevant Information

Brochures and Instructions

Brochures and Instructions

After-Sales Service

After-Sales Service

Lighting Terminology

Lighting Terminology

How to contact our sales teams…

Teknoware Bus and Coach distributors and sales offices around the world: