Privacy Policy

Teknoware’s Register and Privacy Policy in Accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

Published 22 August 2024

Data controller
Company name: Teknoware Oy (hereafter ”Teknoware”)
Business ID: 0149475-1
Address: Ilmarisentie 8, 15200 Lahti
Telephone: +358 3 883 020

Contact person responsible for the register

Jarno Kurlin
ICT & Cybersecurity Manager

Name of the register

Teknoware’s personal data register. This privacy policy covers information contained in Teknoware’s customer records, data stored in connection with users’ visits to the Teknoware website, and information and data that is used for marketing purposes.

Legal basis and purpose of processing personal data

Teknoware keeps a personal data register and processes personal data on the basis of its legitimate interest based on a customer relationship, consent given by a customer or a partner, or an order or assignment placed by the customer with Teknoware.

The purpose of processing personal data is to manage, develop and maintain customer and stakeholder relationships (including matters related to enquiries, offers, orders, invoicing and deliveries) and to carry out activities and process data necessary for the customer and/or stakeholder relationship.

Personal data provided to Teknoware may be profiled in order to target marketing and communication activities, and it may be used to measure customer satisfaction or other activities necessary to maintain or develop customer or stakeholder relationships.

The data will not be used for automated decision-making.

Data content of the register

The following data is recorded in the register:

  • Basic information needed to establish a customer or a stakeholder relationship (name, position, company, email, phone number, basic company information)
  • Information needed to manage a customer relationship
  • Personal data entered into forms on the website and visitor data obtained through cookies.

The storage period varies depending on the nature of the customer relationship.

Use of cookies

The IP addresses of visitors to the website and cookies necessary for the functioning of the service are processed on the basis of legitimate interest and are used for security, measurement and research purposes and for the development of the website.

Teknoware does not guarantee the functionality of the site if cookies are disabled.

Regular data sources / Where we obtain the data

The information stored in the register is obtained from messages sent via forms on the website, from emails, telephone calls, social media services, contracts, customer meetings, and other situations where customers submit information.

Information on contact persons of companies and other organisations may also be collected from public sources such as websites, directory services and other companies.

Regular disclosures and transfers of data outside the EU or EEA

Data is not regularly disclosed to other parties. Data may be published to the extent agreed upon with the customer.

Data may also be transferred by the data controller outside the EU or EEA to the extent necessary for the customer or stakeholder relationship.

Principles for protecting the register

The register is handled with due care and appropriate measures are in place to protect the data processed in the data systems. When the data is stored on Internet servers, appropriates measures are in place to ensure the physical and digital security of the hardware. The data controller shall ensure that the stored data, server access rights and other information critical to the security of personal data are treated confidentially and only by employees whose job description requires it.

Right of inspection and right to request correction of data

Every person included in the register has the right to inspect the data stored in the register and to request that any inaccurate or incomplete data is corrected, and to request that their data be erased if a legal basis for data storage no longer exists.

If a person wishes to inspect the data stored about them or to request a rectification, the request must be sent in writing to the data controller. The data controller may, if necessary, ask the person to provide proof of identity. The data controller is required to respond to the request within the time limit set by the EU General Data Protection Regulation (usually within one month).

You can request rectification by contacting the contact person responsible for the register mentioned in section 2 of the Privacy Policy (above).

Changes to the Privacy Policy

Teknoware develops its processes on an ongoing basis and therefore reserves the right to change this Privacy Policy by notifying data subjects thereof on the company’s website. Changes can also be made in response to changes in legislation. Teknoware recommends that you review the contents of the Privacy Policy on a regular basis.